How to Use Olympia as AI Newsletter Generator

Create newsletters with Olympia AI team in minutes!

Apr 4, 2024

Meme Vika created after recording this video :)
Meme Vika created after recording this video :)

Here's how Vika, Olympia CEO, creates newsletters in minutes. Use this framework and the Olympia AI team as an AI newsletter generator to create yours.


Newsletter Creation: The primary objective was to create an engaging and informative newsletter for the "AI Isn't Scary" campaign aimed at demystifying AI for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs.

AI Assistants Used:

  • Leticia, the AI Copywriter: Tasked with analyzing the uploaded document, creating an outline, generating the initial draft of the newsletter, and sending a summary via email.

  • Calvin, the AI Copy Editor: Provided feedback on the newsletter to refine its content and ensure effective communication.

Features Demonstrated:

  • Document Upload

  • Long-Form Content Generation

  • Email Summary

  • Assistant Switch (Collaboration)

Conversation Flow and Details:

  1. Document Upload: Vika began by uploading a document that detailed the "AI Isn't Scary" campaign, outlining its objectives and key messages.

  2. Outline Creation and Refinement: Leticia analyzed the uploaded document and proposed an initial outline. After receiving further details from Vika, she refined the outline to align with the campaign's goals.

  3. Newsletter Generation: Using the refined outline, Leticia generated the newsletter content, focusing on engaging and informative sections tailored to the campaign's objectives.

  4. Summary Email: At Vika's request, Leticia sent a summary of the newsletter via email, providing her with a concise overview of the content.

  5. Feedback from Calvin: Seeking a fresh perspective, Vika switched to Calvin for feedback. Calvin reviewed the newsletter, focusing on enhancing its effectiveness in communication and audience engagement.

Check the full conversation in detail here.

Watch it as a tutorial video Vika recorded for you below.

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Leveraging the innovative Olympia capabilities as an AI newsletter generator, this blog article is about Vika's journey of creating the "AI Isn't Scary" campaign newsletter. From the initial concept to the final execution, delve into how Olympia AI assistants streamline the newsletter creation process, making it more efficient and effective for marketers and entrepreneurs alike.

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