Case Studies

At Olympia, we catapult small business owners and solopreneurs into the stratosphere of success with AI-powered consultants. Prepare to be amazed!

Case Studies

At Olympia, we catapult small business owners and solopreneurs into the stratosphere of success with AI-powered consultants.

Prepare to be amazed!

Transforming Business Services with Fila Monti

Speedy Online Course Launch with Leticia Sanchez, AI Copywriter

Explore how Carley Martha transformed her business model with the help of Fila, an AI Business Strategist at Olympia. Initially planning to open a CFO advisory and bookkeeping practice, Carley discovered a market gap for affordable business mentors. With Fila's guidance, she pivoted to offering business and financial mentoring services. This case study showcases how Olympia's comprehensive support enabled Carley to develop training and marketing materials, and social media content, significantly enhancing the value of her services. Learn how leveraging AI can help you identify market opportunities and build a successful business with Olympia.

Streamlining Complex Accounting with Roni Diaz

Revolutionizing Policy Writing with Elaine Jusk, AI Legal Consultant

Discover how Katie Mosher overcame the challenges of complex accounting tasks with the help of Roni Diaz, an AI-powered executive assistant at Olympia. Faced with difficult journal entry questions that had previously taken weeks of Google searches without success, Katie found precise and efficient solutions through Roni. This case study highlights the remarkable speed and quality of Roni's responses, which significantly streamlined Katie's accounting processes and improved overall efficiency. Learn how leveraging AI can transform your accounting operations. Dive into Katie's journey of enhanced productivity and accuracy with Olympia.
P.S. We'll add an AI CFO to our teams soon!